Friday, November 14, 2008

Podcasts are fun for everyone.

Yes! Finally something I know something about. I think podcasts are awesome! A good reason for that is not only do I know how to do them but I’ve done them! They aren’t hard in case you were wondering.
Podcasts are free, for now, and offer a very simple way of sharing or receiving audio or media files. Whatever you desire, there’s a great chance it exists on a downloadable podcast, lucky you. A podcast can be anything from a TV or radio program to a voiceover you recorded and edited in your own bedroom! The possibilities are really endless.
A lot of podcasts give the option to listen before you download. Even through the service is free, who wants to go through the trouble of downloading and taking up space on their iPod when there’s a new Britney Spear’s album?
Podcasts are for everyone. Check out anything and everything. Entertain your self or your significant other with their favorite funny news guy like Anderson Cooper or pipe down the kids in the back seat during road trips with Sesame Street. There’s a plentiful array of treats for everyone. For all those of you who are cool enough to speak another language, podcasts now offer radio and TV shows in over 50 languages.

So fire up your iPod and find a treasure out there in the digital world. Don’t have an iPod? Not to worry. Podcasts can also be downloaded to your computer as well as other personal media players. As long as your device plays mp3 or videos files you will be just fine. Podcast are usually distributed through RSS technology. And this means no waiting!

Great! So you now know what a podcast is and your interest is peaked, so what now?
Well to receive podcasts automatically, you will need podcast subscription software. This software can be obtained through iTunes or services like Odeo. Now go out and enjoy what is still free and is rising in popularity. Hey, you can't get left behind nowadays.

Monday, November 10, 2008

IMC- Putting it all Together and Making it Work.

According to the Journal of Integrated Maketing Communication, IMC is defined as "the management of all organized communication to build positive relationships with customers and other stakeholders-stresses marketing to the individual by understanding needs, motivations, attitudes and behaviors."

IMC is data-driven. In today's marketplace there is more information than ever regarding customers' behaviors and preferences. IMc relies on this information to identify and understand a company's best customers and to make informed decisions regarding how to communicate with them.

Doing a little research on the web one can see that IMC is huge! And only seems to be getting stronger by the day. It seems to be everywhere. You can even get your Master's in IMC. There are classes to take, seminars to join in on and many papers tailored to the topic. As anyone can see IMC is not going anywhere so any PR professional would be smart to take that into consideration and run with it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Social News Releases

Since I am not a PR person I am not able to properly describe the use of social news releases in PR so I opted for a website that can describe it as well as provide a video to assist.